Friday, March 23, 2007

1984: Two great videos

I hope you have watched the 1984 YouTube video portraying Hillary Clinton as Big Sister. If you haven't, watch it now.

Clinton 1984 Review
On Slates political gabfest today, John, Emily (my favorite), and David have an interesting conversation about the piece. They agreed that it really strikes at the heart of what is so annoying about Sen. Clinton: her calculating nature. She is such a juggernaut during this campaign that even Tom Delay said he thinks she'll win.*

John Dickerson asked if the video would smack of sexism to women who are sensitive to the double standards constantly applied to women. David Plotts made a great point, which was that the Obama/ Clinton showdown is reminiscent of the Apple/ Microsoft competition. Obama is the fresh and creative Apple to Clinton's establishment position.

Another note about the video. It was made by the employee of the company, which hosts Obama's website. The creator did not have anything to do with the Obama campaign or any work the company did for Obama. He was fired from the company.

I think it's an ingenious video. ParkRidge47 used video from Hillaries website and turned it around on her to be a liability. I don't remember the 1984 Apple commercial, but using it claims the spirit the average user as a person, not a programmer. Also, replay the part when the woman throws the hammer (0:50), and you will see she is wearing an iPod attached to those eighties shorts. I missed that the first few times and haven't heard anyone mention that.

The other 1984 Video
I once heard a word for things that one comes across when searching for something else (i.e. like the word sternutation when I looked up stentorian). Well, I found this jewel when I searched for the 1984 Clinton video. It's a demonstration of the first Macintosh by Steve Jobbs. You have to watch this.

Please leave a comment after you watch it. You can leave an "anonymous" comment if you want.

* He said this on Hard Ball with Chris Matthews. He used this as evidence of why conservatives needs to stop mousing around and find a real conservative candidate.

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