Monday, February 26, 2007

Renewable Energy Bill currently in NC Legislature

North Carolinians will be interested in the Renewable Portfolio Standard, which the NC General Assembly and Senate are considering. If passed, this bill will reduce NC energy consumption by 10% and require 10% of NC’s energy come from renewable sources by 2010.

Charting North Carolina’s Clean Energy Future (pdf) outlines a number of very easy steps the NC senate and legislature can make our state into “the southeastern leader in promoting energy conservation, efficiency and the use of renewable technologies.”

Environment NC is pushing for a nationwide standard requiring 20% of the nation’s electricity to come from clean sources by 2020.

If you are not in the habit of communicating with your representatives, please take a few minutes to encourage them to support the RPS bill (House Bill 77 and Senate Bill 3). Email your representative, today. Yes, your email in support of this bill will be read and noted.

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