Open Letter to Sen. Obama
Sen. Obama,
Please do not use the money I donated to YOU to pay of Clinton's debt, debt that she chose to incur and can easily pay off herself.
I read your two books and in spite of my excitement for you, I kept an open mind b/n you and Clinton until December. I forced myself to decide then, and afterwards your positive performance and Hillary's despicable tactics confirmed my decision for vote for you.
I don't agree with you on everything (wish you were more aggressive on bringing the country off oil), but I am inspired by your commitment to changing politics by getting more people involved, by not taking PAC money, and by receiving over 90% of your donations as gifts under $100. My wife and I are not big donors, but we give what we can every few months.
I believe you when you say you are here to change politics and to convince citizens who are disenchanted with politics that their voice matters.
IN SHORT, Clinton represents the opposite of what you stand for. She obfuscated issues, she mislead voters, she made purely political choices, she ran an establishment campaign, she hand picked a team based on loyalty rather than competence, she wielded race as a weapon... Democrats rejected those tactics by nominating you.
As smart and competent as she may be, she lost her integrity. I don't need to list for you the scores of deplorable tactics she used against you. Her type of "leadership" is what feeds the virus of skepticism that eats away at the health of our democracy.
I gave you my hard earned money and have zealously advocated for you in North Carolina because you represent something different. Please do not throw away my commitment to you by using your campaign money to pay of Hillary's loans!!! Such an action would undermine your message and your appeal. Please continue to treat voters with respect by respecting their financial investment/sacrifice by donating to YOU.
The Clinton's came out of Bill's presidency with more debt than the $20 million or so they have now, and they will be find. Hell, their $109 million allows them to pay that off today if they want.
I am trying to accept that you have to praise her for a "hard fought campaign," but at the least do not give her the money millions of Americans gave to you. She does not deserve to be bailed out by the underdog who won by running a grassroots campaign rather than paying millions to long-term Washington consultants.